Southern Africa's Leisure and Tourism Network

CJ Aircons

5.3km from Germiston, Gauteng, South Africa
Mobile WorkshopWorkshop
CJ Aircons Logo


With over 18+ years experience, Jacques knows all makes of Caravan models by heart and can provide professional service and installations at your premises. Our clients and back up service is our focus and a priority. Our client means the world and must always be treated like kings. Happy client - happy Jacques and Cindy.

Our installations are pure perfection and quality proven. Cindy also comes out of the Caravan industry and that is why our team is so powerful! You most probably have seen our company sticker on a lot of compressor unit in a caravan nose-compartments at a camp site have a good look and you will see thousands of them! We fully understand the Caravan Industry together with the demand and needs of a camper.

We are campers ourselves and love the outdoor life. To all our loyal clients over the years aEUR" we would like to use this opportunity to thank you for all your loyal support! Air Conditioner Installations, Services & Repairs in Gauteng, Northwest, Free State, Mpumalanga, Limpopo & Vaal Triangle.

Business Type

Mobile WorkshopMobile WorkshopWorkshopWorkshop

Business Services

Workshop - MobileWorkshop - Mobile