Southern Africa's Leisure and Tourism Network

September Newsletter 2023

Category: Business News | Author: Gerber 4x4 Conversions |  Date posted:  | Reach: 67402   644

September Newsletter 2023

Pay it forward

September was a month filled

with little

“Pay If Forward opportunities.

We had a Funky Sock day that helped

raise funds for the
development of Educational centers

for kids with Disabilities,

we also had casual day which

was all about the awareness o

f kids with disabilities, and we had our

“Walk With Jaco’ day that raised

funds for little Jaco as he was

diagnosed with DMD.






Jan se Skuld Fees 2023
We had the wonderful opportunity to be apart of the “Jan se skuld Fees” on the 15th and 16th Of September where we showcased our products and represented our Company. We would like to thank each and every one who made this weekend possible and everyone who worked so hard to get everything done. We want to say a special thank you to the manufacturing team for their efforts in getting all the braais ready as this was a big hit! We hope you are amped and ready because there is a lot of work coming our way!

BTS September 2023



Gerber 4x4 Conversions
+27 11 979 7147
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