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12V Whale Pump
A Trique question.
I do have the Exclusive for about 5 years now, bought it with the grey 12V Whale water pump.
We are camping say 4 months in a year and is always using our shower.
I thus have to fill up the van's water tank wherever we are camping - cannot transport water from home.
Over the past 5 years I have replaced the 12v Whale pump 3 times already. Is this normal as currently there is a blue 12V water pump fitted at less than R400 for the pump instead of the more than R1200 of the Whale pump - excluding the courier cost from Cape Town to Klerksdorp.
The water flow on the blue pump however makes one to dance in the shower to get wet - the Whale pump is delivering a better steam of water though.
The Whale Pump is only replaced when it stops working, not when it starts making a noise - it is sealed - seems not to be repairable, only to be replaced?
4X4 Megaworld online have a Sureflow high pressure pump for R995 which is a bargain if they have stock and as far as I know they are fairly indestructable , the blue pump is useless for a shower.
Petrus look at this thread Water pump
Andrew, het jy so 'n pompie in want daai prys lyk goed
As ek Paul se link volg, dan kort daai Sureflow 'n relay om in te skakel om net die Whal pompie te vervang.
Sal by Klerksdorp woonwaens hoor of hulle die omskakeling kan doen want ek is tegnologies gestrem
Petrus. The SurFlo pump has in 4 years of long term camping never given any trouble. We shower and wash dishes and do the toiletries with the caravan water system/pump. The end of water pump problems and the flow is also dramatically higher.
1Pierre2 , as far as I know most of the larger caravans and 4x4 campers use the sureflow pump.
They do draw quite a bit of current and will need a relay . I know a caravan shop/outlet will not be able to supply the sureflow pump at 4x4 Megaworld online`s price but find out how much it will cost to fit.
Hi Andrew and Paul.
That Sureflow pump at 4x4 Megaworld, the high pressure pump deliver 3.5 Bar. Will this not damaged the connections especially at the mixer taps or is there something to put to bring down the water pressure.
Seems that it can be a problem if the pipe at the shower start leaking. According to the guy at Klerksdorp woonwaens, if you get a leak there due to the high pressure, then you have a big big job to fix that leak.
Petrus. Most of the SurFlo pumps pressure can be adjusted.
If you buy the one from CampLife or Silver Lakes it does not need to be adjusted, but you can.
See the thread mentioned above. link
Try and find out the specs of the original whale pump .The Sureflow discharge pressure is 35Psi /2,4 Bar with a flow rate of 12.5L/min. The only reason there could be a problem is if the electrical switch fails and pressurizes the system. If the pressure is a concern you can always fit a return line from the discharge of the pump back into the water tank.
The one I have fitted is a ShurFlo Model 2095-204-112. It has a default switch off pressure of 20 psi (1.4 bar) and a flow rate of 6.8 LPM. It draws 4.5 Amps max. ShurFlo is a Mexican company.
No problems with this one. No adjustments required. Just connect power via a fog lite (30A) relay and replace the pump fuse in your Apollo 10 with a 5 amp slow blow fuse.
All the joints in the piping are readily accessible. Including the one connected to the shower tap. My water feed to the geyser, under the bench, leaked a bit. I just tightened the jubilee hose clamp and it never leaked again.
Ek het die Jurgens Classique gehad en die wa was toegerus met die blou "inline" water pompie. Hy het vir ons goed genoeg gewerk want die karavaan se water tenk was nie baie groot nie.
Met 'n groter pomp sou ons meer water gebruik het. Die kombinasie van tenk en kleiner pomp het goed gewerk.
Met die grooter pomp wat meer krag trek is dit soos hier bo genoem raadsaam om 'n "relay" te installeer. Want die micro skakelaars in die standaard karavaan krane hou dan nie lank nie.
Ek het wel die groot Sureflow pomp binne die Sensation Maia gehad. Maar die karane in die karavaan is basies huis krane en kon die hoe druk in die stelsel hanteer.
As dit ek was sou ek by die gewone blou pompie gehou het. Hy is baie goedkoper om te vervang. Hy is meer gepas vir die laedruk stelsels in die Jurgens karavane. Dit het geen implikasie met hoer stroom wat die micro skakelaars kan beskadig nie.
Sonder Jesus is ek niks! ! ! !

My 8 year old (original) pump stopped making a sound (and did not pump) this morning.
Is there a fuse that protects it?
If it is 'finished' and I go the route of 'resistor' how and where do I fit it?
Living the dream

Hi Richard
My limited experience is that if there is no sind that the pump is running then the pump is done.
If there is an airlock, the pump motor will still run.
You can take it out and run straight from the battery to check, but if it is dead, you cannot open that pump just to replace the pump with a new one.
Check on Manex website for a Rule iL200 Plus Portable pump that delivers 12l/m.
No need to worry as it is also a low pressure pump - you remove the iold pump and replace with the new one - nothing extra / short to do.
What I like of the pump is that it is not a sealed unit, so, if there are debris on the impeller - you can open the unit / clean it and replace it to operate as normal.
Thanks Petrus, I had a look at the pump and investigated other comments. No cheap solution it seems.
I disconnected the pump pipes. A lot of muddy bottom of tank water came out.
I shook it, tapped it and then I connected the pump to my external 12v lead, same that I used to check my indicator bulbs.
And Hey Presto .... it ran.
Reconnected it to original wire, it ran when opening a tap without being connected to water.
Flushed the tank with Bicarb water (without the pump connected).
Reconnected pump, ran some water through my T junction drainage pipe, ie priming the pump ... opened a tap and it ran.
Closed T junction and water flowed as it should.
After 8 years, I should probably be on the lookout for a replacement, so if anybody sees a special, please let me know.
Living the dream

For future reference can the Shurflo installation option be explained "for Dummies" please.
Living the dream

Glad that you managed to get life back in your pump free of charge.
Don't replace. Buy a spare and keep it until such time the present one fails.
Het is beter rijk te leven dan rijk te sterven
I bought a cheap spare from Camp and Climb
Living the dream