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The Holiday Club points system.
So you win again?
I was the guy who voiced satisfaction with the points system - now I have changed my mind!
I received notification of increased levies from R386 to +/- R530 - rediculous when considered in relation to inflation. On Monday, when back at work I saw an e-mail quoting 2015 and 2016 levies of an increase of 22.7% and advised them this was still unacceptable.
Previously, I requested a list of the annual levies for comparative purposes - each time someone phones me, but still refuse to give me this information. At Kiara lodge they have a representative who is never in his office.
So whilst at the Aloes I paid them a visit - in the LIONS DEN - head office in Port Shepstone, where I was informed they don't have full access to the computer. Any way, I informed them to cancel my membership with immediate effect and a few days later, on Friday a Dorothy phoned me (in response to the visit) and made the mistake of telling me that "The Holiday Club can do what it wants". - Well, sorry not with me!
Yesterday I received another e-mail advising my levies would be increased by 10,5%. Had this been the original increase, I would probably have let it ride.
Now, you can imagine how many other members have just swallowed that increase. I met numerous members who were also upset, over the past three weeks where spent time with the Holiday Club at Kiara Lodge (Clarens, Drakensburg), Falcon Glen (Mpumulanga) and The Aloes (South Coast).
For the benefit of others, I inquired about my options and chose to forfeit my points. I have been advised that by forfeiting, I would lose my rights to any monies paid as well as the points - fine with me.
We enjoyed the ten years we were with them, but have now had enough!
not a Doctor nor a GP
Ek was daar so 4 jaar terug by hulle AJV. Die mense was so kwaad , wou die bestuur aanrand. Toe kom hulle uit met... ek is nou n lid van select klub, as senior ouer as 65. My 20000 punte by flexi verval en hulle gee my 35 dae per jaar in plek daarvan. Moes 2500 inbetaal ve dit. Nou kos dit my 470 p.j. en kan die 35 dae enige tyd buite seisoen vat. MAAR ek moet die user charge betaal by die plek waar ons wil inboek. So byv. Was ons n naweek by magaliespark en ek moes 2000 ve dit betaal. In die kaap by strand pavillion 2000 ve midweek.
EN hulle se jy kan nie net uitstap nie. Jy gaan nog weer van hulle hoor. Die "fynskrif" se jy moet betaal. hehehe
Sal graag wil hoor wat kry jy uit hulle uit.
Flexi. Holiday almal basies dieselfde. Punte storie werk biekie anders.
I love camping all year round
Nie vir my nie dankie........te veel stories gehoor. My swear wou syne verniet...mahala....pasella vir my gee. Nee dankie van my kant af het hom na kannie worry pille laat soek.
Ons drink uit die piering want ons koppie loop oor.
Thank you David. You have no idea how much I appreciate this topic and the advice therein. I have now decided to do the same. I enjoyed lovely stays in beautiful places while it lasted, but no longer interested. You can't even give it to somebody, you still need to pay to transfer it to their name etc. and then that person sits with the same problem you have currently. So, it cannot be done that way. Just forget about it and go camping instead.
Selfde aanbod gehad....betaal liewer kontant vir my vakansies...ek glo op die einde goedkoper en kry makliker plek
Ek het nog nooit belangestel in die punte stelsels nie. Ook bly ek het volstaan by my besluit.
Please don't get me wrong - this was great and suited us for ten years.
After numerous other small issues the past three months, when they told me "The Holiday Club" can do what they want" I had enough. NOBODY, not even my employer, tells me they can do what they want if it affects me - "THAT" is my choice to decide whether or not to accept it.
The end result - they lost a happy member.
As it is, we try and camp on a monthly basis - now we will have the levy money to add to that - as we have an alternative, we will not be lost
not a Doctor nor a GP
Voordat ek myne verander het was my levy's R13000 p.jaar
Ons kon dit eenvoudig nie meer bekostig nie.
I love camping all year round
We share Flexiclub with friends and the levy is about R1300pa. Our friend inherited the membership from her father and this was regarded as an asset but she could not sell it to avoid the levy,so I do not know if you can just cancel the membership.
Going on pension next year I do not think I will be able to afford the levy so she will need to find another friend to share membership.We have had some wonderful holidays but it is always difficult to get a booking where and when you want.
Try and keep it simple
Al weer oppad iewers heen.
Going on pension next year I do not think I will be able to afford the levy so she will need to find another friend to share membership.We have had some wonderful holidays but it is always difficult to get a booking where and when you want.
Ask the Flexiclub what your options are.
I asked THC who informed me I could forfeit my points - this was also confirmed in writing when they requested me to reconsider when they also pointed out what I would be losing.
not a Doctor nor a GP
About 15years ago we also had holiday club points, and could never use them when we wanted as there was never availability. We decided to sell our points back to them. After informing there HO we got threatining letters, but just disregarded them. after 3 years they decided it was a lost cause and we got about 60% of our initial purchase price back.
Being a member of Sanlam Reality now, I can get many more benifits, discounted accomodation, flights, car rental and much more.
These club thingies wont see me any more.
"Children have never been good at listening to their elders, but they have never failed to imitate them."
-James Baldwin-
My parents were part of the Holiday club points. The levy per year was so high after the years of membership it was cheaper to book accomodation directly at a resort or holiday destination. In spite of that due to the large amount of members making a booking at certain destinations became impossible. You had to take what was available and depending on whom helped you had a large effect on the availablility of accomodation at prominet resorts.
Look at te bottom of your Holiday Club Invoice there you will find a contact no if you so decide to cansel your membership. You do however get nothing out of it. No points, no refund, nothing.
Atleast my perants got rid of the darn levy they had to pay every year.
Sonder Jesus is ek niks! ! ! !
My parents were part of the Holiday club points. The levy per year was so high after the years of membership it was cheaper to book accomodation directly at a resort or holiday destination. In spite of that due to the large amount of members making a booking at certain destinations became impossible. You had to take what was available and depending on whom helped you had a large effect on the availablility of accomodation at prominet resorts.
Look at te bottom of your Holiday Club Invoice there you will find a contact no if you so decide to cansel your membership. You do however get nothing out of it. No points, no refund, nothing.
Atleast my perants got rid of the darn levy they had to pay every year.
Hi Leon - dis presies wat ek gedoen het - gelukkig het ek goeie plekke gekry in die tien jaar en beskou as waarde vir my geld gekry. Ek het ook seker gemaak dat ek die laaste ounte ten volle gebruik het die afgelope drie weke. Dus verloor ek eintlik net my oorspronklike belegging.
Van my punte het ek privaat gekoop wat toe nie gelei het tot 'n groot intree belegging nie.
not a Doctor nor a GP
We sold ours back to them and they offered me a travel bag for the points, i told her where she can shove it , got absolutely nothing from them but a letter demanding the levies. My husband wrote a f.?.off over the lawyers letter and we never heard off them again.
Do it now or leave it.
Alles wat julle se klink so bekend. Ons het in 1996 begin en kort kort was daar net dit of dat. As jy nou dit doen dan kry jy extra punte, dan moet jy oorgaan na hierdie sisteem dan kry jy extra punte. Einde van die dag sit ek met 20000 punte. Levy wat elke jaar opgaan. In totaal het die hele besigheid my derduisende rande gekos. EN soos julle almal se sukkel jou vrek om n bespreking te kry op n nice plek. Ek en Elma is mos maar particular waar ons wil vakansie hou.
Strand pavilion, Riviera in kaap was lekker. Kiara lodge kon ons in al die jare omtrent net drie keer kry. Winterton berge was darem beter beskikbaar. Durban immer beskikbaar maar nie vir ons liking nie.
Oppie oomblik trek ons die vakansie huis met die jeep net waar ons wil.. baaaaaie lekker.
I love camping all year round
David, die goed is soos ek dit sien, net 'n geld maak storie. Daar was egter twee, wat ek ken, (Club Prive en Aventura Holiday Club) ek was by Aventura, en het dit vir baie winsgewend aan gewend.
Dit is jammer dat mense so moet sukkel met hul eie geld.
Sou daar weer iets soos Aventura of Cub Prive uit kom, sal ek hulle sterk oorweeg.
Gelukkig het jy, soos jy sê, nie te veel verloor nie.
Hoekom wil jy so iets he as jy kan kamp.
David, die goed is soos ek dit sien, net 'n geld maak storie. Daar was egter twee, wat ek ken, (Club Prive en Aventura Holiday Club) ek was by Aventura, en het dit vir baie winsgewend aan gewend.
Dit is jammer dat mense so moet sukkel met hul eie geld.
Sou daar weer iets soos Aventura of Cub Prive uit kom, sal ek hulle sterk oorweeg.
Gelukkig het jy, soos jy sê, nie te veel verloor nie.
Johann. Die aventura club, bestaan dit nog, Aventura het mos baie kampplekke, badplaas, swadini, gariep etc
Ek sou dalk belangstel in so-iets AS dit die moeite werd is.
I love camping all year round
hierdie is die een ding wat my warm onder die kraag maak. ongelukkig vanaf oorlede ouers geerf. dis sit ek nou daarmee.
Ek wag nou nog vir hulle vanaf Aug af om vir my te verduidelik hoekom ek R 9000 membership fees moet betaal vir 34 punte....hierdie is 'n #$%^&** geldmaak storie. as jy plek soek is daar nooit. maar ons moet betaal. dis die grootste klomp skelm donners wat ek nog teegekom het. probeer die punte terug verkoop aan hulle.....HAHAHAHA hulle stel nie belang nie. jy kry die goed nie eers VERNIET weggegee nie.
ek verstaan AFRIFORUM is besig met hofsaak hoe lede uit die kontrak kan kom, want kan jy nie die kontrak kanselleer nie, jy moet punte verkoop of oordra na iemand anders. wag net vir hof beslissing dan sal die hel los wees.