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Ontbyt gas
Gister oggend het ons à â mede onwelkome gas gehad tydens ontbyt.
à â Egiptiese Spoeg Kobra.
Hy het uit die berg gekom en reg agter my stoel op my stoep sy tuiste gemaak onder die tent se deur sy tuiste gemaak.
Ons het op en af verby die ou beweeg, onbewus.
Na ontbyt gaan ek dorp toe, maar "Murpheys Law", vergeet ek my foon.
My vrou het net geskreeu: Slang.
Buurman hom gewetter met pyp, maar die 3mt oudste het ongelukkig weggekom.
hulle begin nou warm plek soek vir die winter. Dit is maar 'n probleem veral in die donker sien mens hulle nie maklik nie.
I see skies of blue
And clouds of white
The bright blessed day
The dark sacred night
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world
Waar kamp julle Gerrie ? Ek is ook maar skrikkerig vir slange, maar as jy kamp is die kanse redelik goed dat jou pad een of ander tyd met 'n slang sal kruis. Ek is net nie ten gunste daarvan dat slange voor die voet doodgemaak word nie - hulle het beslis 'n nuttige rol in die ekologie. Dit sou beter gewees het dat iemand die slang dophou en dan 'n slangvanger ontbied. Vakansie-oorde het gewoonlik so 'n kontak beskikbaar. As dit nie moontlik is nie, moet gepoog word om die slang eerder te verdryf na 'n bosarea as dit moontlik is.
Waar kamp julle Gerrie ? Ek is ook maar skrikkerig vir slange, maar as jy kamp is die kanse redelik goed dat jou pad een of ander tyd met 'n slang sal kruis. Ek is net nie ten gunste daarvan dat slange voor die voet doodgemaak word nie - hulle het beslis 'n nuttige rol in die ekologie. Dit sou beter gewees het dat iemand die slang dophou en dan 'n slangvanger ontbied. Vakansie-oorde het gewoonlik so 'n kontak beskikbaar. As dit nie moontlik is nie, moet gepoog word om die slang eerder te verdryf na 'n bosarea as dit moontlik is.
Ons kamp in Limpopo buite Modimolle.
Soos genoem "Murpheys Law".
Ek vang self slange, maar na ontbyt toe ek dorp toe gaan het ek my foon by die karavaan vergeet en my vrou probeer my kontak.
Haar uitkoms was om buurman se hulp.
Agree 100% with Lennie. Rather get someone to move it or carefully try yourself. (Wear eye protection.) Your Covid mask will help at this stage.
Your strongest weapon is your mind!
And then there's, Power Tools!
Nie my liefde vir hulle nie.
Al weer oppad iewers heen.
Agree 100% Len. I am only scared of the snake I don't know about or/and can not see.
Rather chase it away with a long stick and eye protection. They are more scared of us than we are of them. Except for the Black Mamba. It is the only snake that I have seen that goes for it's disturber.
Lucky you saw it and were not bitten. Here in Kzn there are lots of snakes and the cold winter is shorter but have been relatively lucky that we only came across 2 night adders under neighbours tent at Bazeley in all our years of camping
In Salt Rock my neighbour on no 85 found a Black Mamba in his braai wood. I did not see a single snake in the month that we were there.
Respect them they are absolutely deadly.
Hierdie swart mamba was by my seun se plek in Thabazimbie dieselfde dag as ons insident, maar daai diertjie het hom vinnig vakant gemaak.
Gerrie, my wife said it isn't an "Egyptian Spitting Cobra" spitting in the name.
Who am I to check google.... map distribution does not include Southern Africa....
then it says it is also known as Snouted Cobra which does reside here.
ASI app does not show Egyptian Cobra in Southern Africa.
Both these cobras do not spit.
It would be interesting to know which species it was.
ps, I agree with Lennie as you seem to agree, do not kill if at all possible.
Living the dream
Mozambican or Ring-necked (Rinkhals) Cobras spit in RSA. Cape, an RSA citizen, does not spit...Egyptian is not an RSA citizen.
Richard your wife is right...happy wife... happy life...
I have unfortunately not seen many snakes in the wild. In Mapangupwe I found one (Rinkhals) next to the kitchen...most probably after the rats in the kitchen...and it belted off when it saw me. I actually felt so sorry for it. It tried it's best to get away as quickly as possible and landed up under a rock in the garden. I left it there. Kept my sun glasses on all the time....but it did not even raise its hood...pity.
They are misunderstood and are therefore extinction in places.
Rather re-locate by a professional..especially if there are small kids around.
Gerrie, my wife said it isn't an "Egyptian Spitting Cobra" spitting in the name.
Who am I to check google.... map distribution does not include Southern Africa....
then it says it is also known as Snouted Cobra which does reside here.
ASI app does not show Egyptian Cobra in Southern Africa.
Both these cobras do not spit.
It would be interesting to know which species it was.
ps, I agree with Lennie as you seem to agree, do not kill if at all possible.
I was in town at time, but according to pic's shown by my wife, I figured out: Definately an EG Ccobra or possibiity a Brown house snaken
I was not present at time and judge according my neighbour and her explimation.
I know snakes and I went according to their discription
Gerrie, my wife said it isn't an "Egyptian Spitting Cobra" spitting in the name.
Who am I to check google.... map distribution does not include Southern Africa....
then it says it is also known as Snouted Cobra which does reside here.
ASI app does not show Egyptian Cobra in Southern Africa.
Both these cobras do not spit.
It would be interesting to know which species it was.
ps, I agree with Lennie as you seem to agree, do not kill if at all possible.
I was in town at time, but according to pic's shown by my wife, I figured out: Definately an EG Ccobra or possibiity a Brown house snake.
I was not present at time and judge according my neighbour and her explimation.
I know snakes and I went according to their discription.
Hierdie swart mamba was by my seun se plek in Thabazimbie dieselfde dag as ons insident, maar daai diertjie het hom vinnig vakant gemaak.
Ek is seker maar soos die Mongoose. As 'n slang naby my kom is hy dood veral in 'n kampplek want more is hy terug en byt iemand.
Wie is dan skuldig? Die slang of die persoon wat hom vrygelaat het net om die hoek?
Ek is ook een van diegene wat nie sommer 'n slang doodmaak nie. Ongelukkig gebeur dit soms dat jy nie 'n ander opsie het nie. Maar in die algemeen poog ek maar om ta te verwilder en ek was al braaf genoeg om enkeles te vang, waaronder 'n pofadder.
In Tsendze was ons bevoorreg om vir baie lank 'n jongerige swartmamba, in 'n appelblaarboom langs ons karavaan dop te hou wat besig was om jag te maak op boomrotte. Die ou was nie suksesvol nie. Die boomrotte het soos klippe uit die boom geval en laat spaander.
In die Karoo Nasionale Park, waar ek al vier pofadders in die kampeerarea gesien het, het ons by geleentheid 'n lastige jong Kaapse kobra gehad wat selfs onder ons kampvrieskas gaan skuil het. Maar ons het hom maar net elke keer verwilder.
Ek is nie braaf wat slange aanbetref nie - inteendeel ek is inderwaarheid vrekbang en grillerig vir hulle. Maar ek glo dat slange 'n bepaalde rol in die ekologie vertolk.
Stem saam Chris. Dis waarvoor ek bang is soos jy noem hy kruip onder die yskas weg. By Yellow Sands was daar 'n Nag Adder in ons tent. My seun het amper op hom getrap. Gelukkig is hulle kort en kan nie ver pik soos 'n groot lang slang nie. Na ons alarm gemaak het was Yellow Sands se eienaar binne minute by die karavaan. Wel done, Lyk my hulle is voorberei en opgelei om slange te vang. Niemand wou help oppak nie want netnou spring daar nog een iewers uit.
Een of ander tyd moet iemand die yskas gebruik of optel as jy kamp opslaan. Ek is maar van die bangerige soort en probeer hulle nie vang of hanteer nie. Dinge loop in 'n oogwing skeef want 'n slang bly maar 'n slang.
Jy hoor gereeld van iemand wat gebyt word wat die slang wou vang. As 'n slangvanger gebyt word is my kans seker nader aan 100% dat ek 'n statisiek gaan word as ek hom probeer vang.
Solution to fridge hiding place, put fridge on a stand. Very neat and effective.
Living the dream
Gister by Satara amper op my karavaan se dak groot geskrik vir n pofadder lanks my seun se tent. Iemand elders oor naweek ook pofadder by sy karavaan gekry. Ek is self skytbang vir slange....selfs huisslang.
Kampeer is aansteeklik en verslawend ðŸËÂ
Waar is julle motbolle en jayce floud.
Al weer oppad iewers heen.