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Yellow Sands
Die gaan ons eerste 2 maande kamp wees by Yellow Sands vanaf Feb 25.
Aangesien dit Oos London is, weet ek dat wind 'n faktor hier is. Ons wil graag staan met 'n see uitsig maar weet nie of die see winde ons gaan piets nie.
Ek het storm net wat in die wa bly, moet ek die groen windskerm ook saamvat of is daar staanplekke met see uitsig en natuurlike windskerm?
Enige advies of aangeveling sal waardeer word.
We were there Dec–Jan, 2019–2020 and as far as I could remember there stands are reasonably well protected from the wind even those on the sea front. The stands are quite a bit higher than the beach with stepped pathways down to the beach – lagoon. I would however definitely take the net as well as the windbreaker with as they are not heavy items. I always have my windbreaker with but cannot remember when I last used it. :)
However if you don‘t have it with, Murphy says that's then you will need it.
Thanks Brain.
Is there any stand numbers that you can recommend as we do need a stand near any Ablutions?
We were 2 families on 46 B & C. Unfortunately I have no clue as for which sea front sites are good. There are a couple of you tube videos which may give you a better idea. Just search for Yellow Sands in the you tube search engine.
I think George stayed for quite some time at Yellow sands, perhaps he will comment here.
Yellow sands sites are on a first come first serve basis, when you arrive there they will give you a golf cart to ride around the park in and choose your site from the available sites,Â
You dont really want to be on a sea front site, the on shore wind when it comes through , and it does come through often is not pleasant.
The sites along the river at C block are a good bet however may not be available by the end of Feb. The long stay pensioner fraternity move in on the 1st Feb.
Yellow sands is a 5 star park, which ever site you choose and you will have a wide choice it will be a 5 star experience.
two roads diverged in a wood and i took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
Dankie George en Brian
Ons sal die laaste dae van Jan 25 inbeweeg en, soos George ook se, asook die You Tubes - lyk die C Blok dalk vir my na goeie opsies.
Die vrou verkies die see uitsig, maar met 'n staan van ons by Buffelsbaai - baie mooi - maar 'n maand of 2 later het alles begin roes.
So - ons koes ook maar vir die see sproei en dalk daai rowwe winde.
If available I would pic the stands second row from the sea view stands. They have some wind cover shrubs, but you still have the direct sea view when you stand upright on the stand. Also more shade as there are not mush trees on the beach front stands.
Sonder Jesus is ek niks! ! ! !

Thanks Leon.
Die man wat een van die You Tube videos gemaak het, het op die pad gefokus, so, ek kon nie sien watter stands / blok het see uitsig nie.
Het jy stand nommers wat nice is?

Thanks Leon.
Die man wat een van die You Tube videos gemaak het, het op die pad gefokus, so, ek kon nie sien watter stands / blok het see uitsig nie.
Het jy stand nommers wat nice is?

Look at this video will give you a better indication. There was a few years ago a drone video of Yellow Sands but I cannot find it now.
The camp layout on their website indicates Block and stand numbers
This is the arial photo and campsite layout, unfortunately the campsites are not number , Block B is popular.
The first picture is Block B , at the bottom of the picture ( marked red) are the ablutions. I have attached another photo for the park , it’s going to full next month, but not on top each other.
Dit mask nie einltlik saak waar jy gaan opslaan nie want as daar regtig n sterk wind opkom gaan hy ooral pla. Maak maar voorsiening met stormtoue en ander magefters.

Dankie Joos, ek vat maar die storm toue, storm net en windskerm saam.
Ek weet nie hoe sanderig die stands se sand is nie, so ek het 'n paar 450mm Maxcon penne gekoop om ten minste die pote op die grond te probeer hou.

Dankie Joos, ek vat maar die storm toue, storm net en windskerm saam.
Ek weet nie hoe sanderig die stands se sand is nie, so ek het 'n paar 450mm Maxcon penne gekoop om ten minste die pote op die grond te probeer hou.

Daar is nie veel meer wat n ou kan doen nie. Ek het daar al n paar keer deurgeloop en skade opgetel ten spyte van al die voorsorg. Maar moet darem bysê dat sulke ekstreme storms vind dikwels plaas nie maar die wind is maar soos by kus, daar.

Ons het toe, omrede ons vroeg was, 'n lekker staanplek in die B blok gekry.
Is beskut teen die NO winde en met die SO wind beskut deur ander woonwaens.
Het deels see uitsig waar die see by die rivier inspoel.
Ons het 'n lekker reënstorm van, volgens die eienaar, 145mm in een nag gehad, gelukkig was ons goed opgeslaan. Het geen skade gehad nie alhoewel ander manne se tentpale geknak het met die baie water.
Glad you had no damage Pierre, enjoy your stay.