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Mitsubishi L300 Campervan
Hi there to all.
I own a Mitsubishi L300 Campervan. Does anyone know which Diesel Engine conversion I can put in my van as I do really acquire some more power to the camper.
Please advise or contact me.
Andre van Niekerk.
082 7804184
Really wish I could help but can only comment that it certainly seems feasible. Met a couple in Waterval Onder who did a conversion to his Mitsubishi. Fitted a 2 liter Nissan diesel engine and was quite happy with this set-up
Maybe Binky - also on this forum - will be able to give more advice.
I do hope you will not consider using a chip as this does seem to to be hard on the reliability of the engine. Do keep us updated. This is an interested subject.
Het is beter rijk te leven dan rijk te sterven
Hello Peter Weicome to the forum
I had a Mitsubishi L300 Motor Home a number of years ago and up to this day so sorry i ever sold it I did an engine convertion to it fitted a Toyota 3 CT diesel engine which is 2.2 ltr also fitted a toyota gearbox from a High Ace
The problem now is these engines are not available anymore They were imorted from Japan and stocks have run out
Toyota diesel engines came in 2.0ltr ,2.2 ,2,4 , 2,8 and 3ltrmanual and as i said these engines are not available anymore
I cannot recomend any diesel engines as the latest engines are all electronic with computers an miles of wiring and cost a fortune
I was in the motor trade for 55 years so i could source all the parts that i needed and do the job myself Since i retiered 10 years ago am completely out of the game
I see you are from PE there must be someone who knows someone that does convertions but be warned its expensive
Sorry i couldnt be of much help hope you come right and if you do please let us know
What engine is in at the moment (sorry don`t know the specs of this engine) an aquantance I knew many years ago put in a V6 which went like a bomb. All I can say is proper conversions are expensive if done correctly and sometimes are not worth the time and effort. I have a little Nissan 1400 in my Suzuki SJ which was also underpowered , I put in an electronic distributer , freeflow exhaust and made a fuel injected manifold which made a huge difference in power , It needed a new fuel system , cooling system , engine mounts, gearbox mounts propshaft shortening and electrical wiring to name a few things that had to done for the conversion , so it`s not a case of just swopping a motor an upgrade of original would be best and first prize would be to find a bigger motor that would fit directly on to your original bell housing.
Goeie dag oom, hoop dit gaan goed, happy 2025, mag hy better wees vir ons almal.
Ek wil net raad vra asb, ek sien oom het diesel conversion gedoen op die l300 camper.
Ek en die vroutjie is nou opad om 'n 1990 L300 Companion 2L petrol 5 speed manual te kry.
Ek hoor almal huil oor die perfomance met die gewig ens.
Nou ek is old school, wil nie motor swap nie, soek net bietjie meer krag, wil nie jaag met die ding nie.
Ek sien die 2l motor is nog carb, gedink om net 'n lekker gesnyde TORQUE cam upgrade te doen, dalk top scheem of high comp pistons in te sit met 'n fuel injection upgrade of net die carb te upgrade na 'n 36 dcd weber toe.
Ek en my pa cam ons karre al lank, golf 1.4 gecam, isuzu 2.6 gecam, isuzu 2.3 petrol gecam.
Eks baie happy met wat 'n cam doen met fuel upgrade, carb/fi.
Gedink dit sal net genoeg help vir die 2l, natuurlik freeflow en branch ook.
Dankie vir oom se terug voer.
Vriendelike groete
Francois, ek kan nie jou tegniese vrae beantwoord nie. Ek kan wel 'n bietjie raad aanbied vir wat dit werd is.
Kry eers die voertuig en ry met hom voor jy besluit om hom op te gradeer. 'n Kampeerwa is iets om mee rustig te ry en die tyd wat dit neem om by jou bestemming te kom, is nie belangrik nie. Dis die reis amper meer nog as die bestemming wat julle sal geniet. Jy behoort nie meer as sê 100K/U te ry nie omdat jy op 'n plesieruitstappie is maar ook omdat so 'n hoë voertuig maar onstabiel is veral as jy dwarswinde teëkom. As julle eers die voertuig het en hy kan nie n redelike spoed nie, is dit 'n goeie tyd om aan veranderinge te dink. Ons het jare lank met 'n VW Kombi gesleep en meestal lang paaie gery. Ons gemiddeld, stoppe uitgesluit, was gewoonlik maar sowat 70k/u. Met 82Kw kon ons beslis nie vinnig ry nie, maar dit het hoegenaamd nie saak gemaak nie. Elke kilometer, elke draai in die pad, is iets om te geniet. Stop baie en drink koffie en beskuit en geniet die stilte van die grootpad. Onthou ook dat as jy meer krag uit 'n masjien haal as waarvoor dit ontwerp is, loop jy die gevaar om skade op te tel.
Welkom hier en laat weet gerus weer van jou.
Het is beter rijk te leven dan rijk te sterven
The first post was 17 months ago so not sure if Andre did purchase the Mitsubishi or if he did any upgrades. For me as you all say enjoy the journey is great but when you are stuck behind traffic at 70Km/hr for 20Km and don`t enough power to overtake is a bit stressful . I have met a few campers with the Mitsubishi and all of them complained about lack of power and all of them were pensioners with plenty time on their hands . I was considering buying one and still wanted to tow my Suzuki SJ behind it and all of them agreed it would not be possible.
With 66Kw even a trailer behind the motorhome would be too much. But I think as a standalone vehicle it would be OK.
Het is beter rijk te leven dan rijk te sterven
somige 2l petrol motors het 66kw, weet nie watter engine dai is nie, ek sien nou 'n 1990 met 'n 4g63 motor, en oral op die internet kry ek dit as 'n 2l 8v fi en 16v fi.
die 66kw een is 'n carb, al wat ek op die internet kry
maak 'n mens kwaai deur mekaar en onsekker van 'n mens self, is 'n tech car mens al lank lol
Baie dankie vir jul input en raad gents, Happy 2025 vir almal!!!!!!!!!!!
Ek het nog nooit van enige modifikasies gehoor wat regtig die moeite (en koste) werd is nie. Jy gee altyd iets prys.
Het jare terug ‘n Mitsubishi Colt deur SAC laat “chip”. Was nie lank voordat ek dit uitgehaal het. Daardie slim mannetjies in die Japsnese fabrieke weet wat hulle doen. Maar net my opinie.
Never too old to have a happy childhood
I chipped my Kia Sportage a few years ago and it was an absolute waste of money as I could see no gains and it felt no different than before I sent it in, with some engines you can get good results with chipping like some VW`s and Isuzu . I changed my Nissan 1400 in my Suzuki SJ from carb to EFI and gained 15Kw which made a huge difference . Should the people offering these modifications be honest and tell you the true gains you could make an informed decision.
i gained alot from my 1.4 golf when I did a cam upgrade, mild cam 254/264 vw's G cam. no rough idle, nice torque from 2000 rpm till 5500 rpms, with a 36 dcd weber carb. stock the 1.4 was dead with 4 people and loaded boot, after cam and carb upgrade, i could climb hills in 5th gear same 4 adults and loaded boot, without having to gear down, before i had to gear down.
all i want for the motorhome, just that little extra that helps the motor wakeup for that weight