Southern Africa's Leisure and Tourism Network

Zartek Com 8 Super Pack 2x Radio Set

Category: TheQuarterMaster Accessories

Zartek Com 8 Super Pack 2x Radio Set A palm size compact radio set with decent battery life. Used within its design parameters it is ideal for closer range communications in and around events, offices and shooting ranges however elevated line of sight will easily get 5-20km transmission distance. Ideal for perimeter communication of farms, camp sites or industrial facilities. The licence free signal cannot easily be eavesdropped from a distance thus ensuring OPSEC. The Zartek Com 8 was used at the recent SADPA Northern Nationals, we also use the older model around the TacQM premises to keep staff in comms. It is a great way to keep track of staff and the tasks they are performing Licence free and Icasa approved.

The Quarter Master
+27 11 477 7031
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TheQuarterMaster Accessories