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Caravan and Camping Products

Shop online for Camping and Outdoor Gear on the industry leading Caravan and Camping Product System in South Africa. Buy directly from dealerships and other camping related businesses who sell wide a range of Caravan, Camping Gear, Camping Products, Camping Equipment, Camping Accessories, Camping Gadgets, Caravan Accessories, Caravan Equipment, Outdoor Accessories, Outdoor Equipment, Outoor Gear, Outdoor Gadgets, Camper Trailers, Motorhomes and Tents at affordable prices.

Discoverer DC 4x4

Category: Bobo Campers

The model many have been waiting for. The roof tent model based on the reliable Hilux 4x4 pickup with the Bobo twist. Automatic gearbox, cruise control, reverse camera, air snorkel, extra wide roof tents and no less than 160 lt of fuel capacity means you can drive far into those remote places while still having all your luxuries close at hand. Adventure and comfort comes standard.

Sleeps up to four adults
Toyota Hilux 3000cc
Diesel 4-cylinder
4-speed automatic with high/low range
80 lt fuel tank & 88lt extra fuel tank
50 lt water tank
40 lt fridge/ freezer
Tyre compressor
2-Drawer storage facility
2 bucket seats and rear bench in cabin
Dual battery system
Fire extinguisher
Cab air conditioner

140 x 210 cm roof tent x2
Windows with mosquito netting

Tent bed: 140 x 210 cm
Length: 5260 mm
Height: 1920 mm with tents
Width: 1835 mm

Bobo Campers - Gauteng
+27 11 395 1020
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