Southern Africa's Leisure and Tourism Network

2019 Swift Coastline Deluxe For sale

R 669 000.00
Category: Caravans - On Road Swift | Location: Gauteng Randburg | Sold by: Loftus Caravan City | Date updated:
Dealership Sale Excellent Condition
4 PersonsDoubleOn RoadShowerToiletConventional Roof

2019 Swift Coastline Deluxe caravan for sale at Loftus Caravan City. This 2019 luxury fully imported Swift Coastline Deluxe caravan is equipped with full bathroom en-suite, full Dorems side tent, Fiamma awning mounted on door side, air conditioning and Power Touch caravan movers. This beauty has and excellent gantry with all the modern facilities needed. The light weight construction offers timberless frames and ultra light styrofoam floor construction. With a rugged Alko chassis and axle it tows like a dream. Visit us on or Instagram "loftuscaravancity"

Loftus Caravan City
+27 11 792 1456
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62 Loftus Caravan City Pre-Owned for sale

62 Loftus Caravan City Pre-Owned for sale